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Suzhou Tongda Purification Engineering Co., Ltd
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Telephone:+86 13771691898
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address;No. 348, Jinhua Road, Jinjiaba, Lili Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou

Wafer type steel door

  • Classification:Steel door
  • Views:1097次
  • Release Date:2022/11/8 9:57:39
  • Product Overview
Clamp-on steel door, mainly used to cut holes in any position of the wall, the door frame protrudes from the wall, the door frame is composed of 2 parts, and the screw is locked with the opposite side of the screw during installation, the screw hole is exposed, and it is installed at any time without time period. The thickness of the door frame can be 50/75/100, etc., the thickness of the door panel is 50mm, the window glass on the door is 5mm tempered/fireproof glass size: 400*600, and the yellow light film can be pasted.
Glass style optional: black edge right angle, white edge right angle, black edge outer inner circle, black edge outer circle inner circle, white edge outer inner circle, white edge outer circle inner circle.

Next:Wafer type steel door
Tongda Purification
Production purification equipment, mainly manual and machine-made color steel sandwich panels
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